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Vanceboro, NC

Did you know that making dinner is the leading cause of house fires? Well it is and the damage from house fires is staggering. In the last 5 years, house fires have caused $6.9 Billion in property damage. According to FEMA, the top three causes of fires in homes are cooking, heating equipment, and electrical malfunction and it can take just 30 seconds for a small flame to turn into a major blaze.

This house fire took place in Vanceboro, NC and as you can see, this family lost virtually everything. We came in to help to dispose of what remained of the structure. If you’ve ever been in a situation where you’ve lost everything due to fire, floods, hurricane or some other disaster, you know how difficult the rebuilding can be, not because of the building but because of the loss of so many memories.

An average of 385,500 homes experience a structural fire every year. When engaging with your appliances, be sure everything is up to code and safe to use. Adhere to NFPA guidelines around open flames and you can prevent you and your family from becoming a statistic.

Project Details


October 2018


Residential Client


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